Twinkle Fingers

Half Bad (Half Life Trilogy)

Half Bad (Half Life Trilogy) - Sally Green Hmm. How do I explain this?
So the book was divided into six parts, and this is my reaction to each part:

Part One: "What? I don't understand the beginning. Is this a horror story???"
Part Two: "I still don't understand Part One, but WHOAHH I really really like this part!! It seemed like I have read other stories with the same aura as this, but there's something that makes this story unique in its own way." "WOW I can't stop reading"
Part Three: "Ohh now I understand Part One. I like how the story has gone dark again. Although I must say, some chapters on this Part of the story lacked some action. Maybe a few actions here and there, but mainly it was more on talking, observing, thinking."
Part Four: "There were just so many new names introduced in this part. I hate when all of a sudden, they introduce many characters. And there were characters that weren't really emphasized, like I wonder what happened to Trev and Nikita."
Part Five: "I didn't really enjoy this part, and I don't have much to say about it. So I'll leave it that."
Part Six: "I liked how this part was a mix of talking and action. I wanted to cry when Rose died and Gabriel risked his life for Nathan. (Although I would've probably cried if Gabriel died, which wasn't told in the story.) Also, I was touched by the scene where Marcus gave Nathan the three gifts. He's a bad witch, but a good father. AWWWWWW."

I would've given this 5/5 if it wasn't for the ending that sort of ruined it. I mean, I was literally dumbfounded by the ending. I expected so much, and then the ending just got me like, "Huh?". I know this is part of a trilogy, but I think that was a poor ending to a book.

She's Dating the Gangster

She's Dating the Gangster - SGwannabe (Bianca B. Bernardino), James John Andres I wasn't supposed to write a review for this book, but I'm feeling too much emotions right now, and when I feel emotional, I write.


I've seen the movie before I decided to read the book.
I guess it's true, what they say, that the movie version is different from the book.

I like the book as much as I like the movie.
The beginning was actually good. It made me want to read further more.
Then came the middle-part of the story, which is usually the boring parts. It wasn't boring. Although, I sort of got lost at some point with Kenji and Athena's complicated pretend-relationship. It was like they argue most of the time and I got sick of reading about their arguments. I can't believe Athena can put up with a mean bully like Kenji. But then, the tagline of this book is "...It's finding an imperfect person perfectly." (I really like that!) Anyway, what happened to Abigail? It's either the author forgot to write about what happened to her, or my eyes decided to skip that part on the book (because I was too annoyed at how much of a prick she was). I guess she probably died. I really admired Lucas and probably want to love and be loved by someone like him someday.
Since I saw the movie first, I never expected that Kenji and Athena would get married. Although it was nice that they did. (Good for them!) Anyway, as I was approaching the ending, I began making guesses like, "Okay, Athena's gonna die, and Kenji's going to move on with his life (you know, like in Nicholas Sparks' "A Walk To Remember"). Okay." But it was not the ending that I was expecting! (I'm so glad that before I read this book, nobody gave me spoilers on the true ending on the book would be.)

Oh my god!!! I'm still crying. (As I'm typing this, my keyboard is drenched with tears). Perhaps the ending was more like a "Romeo and Juliet". I cry because Kenji loved Athena so much that he would "follow" her. You don't see that kind of love around very often! They would love each other always...forever.

I'm going to end now because I can see no longer with my eyes in tears.

5/5 stars! (for the ending. I love endings like that!(

The Diviners

The Diviners  - Libba Bray (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)

I've never had my heart beat this fast since The Shadow of the Wind!
The beginning was truly a catcher. When I finished chapter 1, I thought "this is going to be a great book". But the story slowly turned mushy and boring. There was too much transitioning from the life of a character to a life of another and then to another. There were flashbacks(a lot). But upon reaching the climax of the story, it became really interesting. I couldn't put the book down. I can view every scene in my mind. I fell in love with the characters. It reminds me so much of The Shadow of the Wind. Although, religion-wise, they don't have anything in common. I saw both books as mysterious, fast-paced, dark, and full of secrets. It was unpredictable!

It took me a while to finish reading this book because I got busy with school. It took me 3 months to read half the book and only the past 3 days to read the remaining half. I truly needed the time. At first I was thinking that I wouldn't finish reading the book because of the mediocre middle-part of the story and the intimidating thickness of the book. But I thought, "well I started reading it, so I might as well finish it." And I'm so glad the past 3 sleepless nights were worth it. I was on the last 8 pages of the book, when I just had to stop myself from continuing on reading because I wasn't ready to finish the book yet. I wasn't ready for the ending. I want to cry because I want more! I didn't want it to end.

Throughout the story I've developed this love-hate feeling for Evie. I love how brave she was. But I don't like how she likes to draw attention to herself. I was hoping that Mabel would be more than just Evie's best friend in the story. Her character was so flat. Also, I was not contented with Sam's part on the story. I was expecting a little transition on his part, other than being just 'the other guy'. And then there's Jericho. Before even finding out about his secret, I fell in love with him. There's just something about him. Although, I'm kind of angry that Jericho didn't end up with Mabel. I was expecting that Evie and Sam would be the couple. Poor Mabel. But, Theta and Memphis though. I sure didn't expect this one.

After reading the chapter about the Eleven Offerings, I had a guess that the offerings would be the characters in the book. But the offerings were the people I least expected to be. Also, I made a premonition that the last offering would be Evie, because who else loves to dress up in fancy clothes?

The thing I like about the story was that it made me 'guess' a lot. I really like thinking, and this book challenged my 'psychic' skills :)

As I've said, The Diviners has this dark, spooky, and vintage aura to it that I liked very much. I'm currently trying to recover from the emotional tension this book has brought on me.

I'm adding this to my favorites because, because...
I hope they make a movie of this book.

This is definitely one book I would never get tired of re-reading.

5/5 stars!

Song listened to while reading: (unfortunately, none)


Feedback - Robison Wells I honestly don't know to express how disappointed I am. I had high hopes that the level of awesomeness I'd perceive Variant to be at would escalate somehow.

There were parts I liked- mostly the action/fighting parts. There weren't too many. The parts I liked died as easy as they came.

I sure didn't expect the story would go this way. And sure as heck didnt expect the ending would be just like that. I wanted to read a book that would put an impact in my mind/feelings; Variant did. I just thought this book would do the same.

1001 Hideous History Facts: Delve Into The Depths Of Our Despicable Past

1001 Hideous History Facts: Delve Into The Depths Of Our Despicable Past - Alex Woolf I've had this book for so long but I haven't really read it cover to cover yet. At some point, I guess I got weary of going through the long list of surreal informations about the past. It's a nice book though- the smooth cover, the illustrations and the unbelievable facts inside, and all. :-)

Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell I want a love like Eleanor and Park's. This gives me hope, that weirdos and average-looking girls like me can possibly meet and share a connection that's more than friendship to cool, cute guys.


Allegiant  - Veronica Roth Too much talking, not much action.

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 4)

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 4) - Rick Riordan My favorite in the Percy Jackson series!

The Lightning Thief

The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan It was different from the movie..


Variant - Robison Wells Fast-paced. Mysterious. Lots of twists and turns.

My Sister's Keeper

My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult Such a beautiful story. Much much much better than the movie. The ending really left me crying..


I feel like comparing the book with the movie-adaptation. Why was it that in the book, Anna was the one who died, but then in the movie, Kate died and Anna lived? I think it would be much more heart-breaking and people would get shocked if they followed the plot-line on the ending of the book. Then, the people would see an ending that's quite different from the usual.

The Host

The Host - Stephenie Meyer This book is one-of-a-kind! I feel bad the movie did not turn out to be as great as the novel. It took me a few sleepless nights (and lots of midnight snacks) to finish reading this, but it was worth it. If you haven't read this book yet, I tell you, you are totally missing out on the good stuffs. (Highly recommended if you are a sci-fi junkie.)

This Book Will Save Your Life

This Book Will Save Your Life - A.M. Homes I was kind of hoping to read a book that would "change my life". I felt strong hope on this book before I started reading it. But it did not live up to my expectations. Although, in fairness, the story was good. I just couldn't see how the story could change my life.

The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind - Lucia Graves, Carlos Ruiz Zafón I used this book as the basis for my English project- a book review. At first, I thought the story was a bit boring a old. But as I kept on reading, the story got more interesting with it's twists and unpredictability. It's like a story within a story (no spoilers intended!). A page-turner. Left me breathless (over-exaggerating much).

If I Stay

If I Stay - Gayle Forman The cover made a promise that this book would appeal to "Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' fans". Honestly, I don't see the connection between the story of this book and the story of Twilight. Although, I think this book is well-written. Something I haven't read before.

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green I bought a copy back in 2012, and this becomes my first ever hardbound book. This is my second favorite book next to "The Perks of being a Wallflower". I fell in love with the characters, especially Augustus. The story was so moving and deep, it made me cry.