The Diviners

I've never had my heart beat this fast since The Shadow of the Wind!
The beginning was truly a catcher. When I finished chapter 1, I thought "this is going to be a great book". But the story slowly turned mushy and boring. There was too much transitioning from the life of a character to a life of another and then to another. There were flashbacks(a lot). But upon reaching the climax of the story, it became really interesting. I couldn't put the book down. I can view every scene in my mind. I fell in love with the characters. It reminds me so much of The Shadow of the Wind. Although, religion-wise, they don't have anything in common. I saw both books as mysterious, fast-paced, dark, and full of secrets. It was unpredictable!
It took me a while to finish reading this book because I got busy with school. It took me 3 months to read half the book and only the past 3 days to read the remaining half. I truly needed the time. At first I was thinking that I wouldn't finish reading the book because of the mediocre middle-part of the story and the intimidating thickness of the book. But I thought, "well I started reading it, so I might as well finish it." And I'm so glad the past 3 sleepless nights were worth it. I was on the last 8 pages of the book, when I just had to stop myself from continuing on reading because I wasn't ready to finish the book yet. I wasn't ready for the ending. I want to cry because I want more! I didn't want it to end.
Throughout the story I've developed this love-hate feeling for Evie. I love how brave she was. But I don't like how she likes to draw attention to herself. I was hoping that Mabel would be more than just Evie's best friend in the story. Her character was so flat. Also, I was not contented with Sam's part on the story. I was expecting a little transition on his part, other than being just 'the other guy'. And then there's Jericho. Before even finding out about his secret, I fell in love with him. There's just something about him. Although, I'm kind of angry that Jericho didn't end up with Mabel. I was expecting that Evie and Sam would be the couple. Poor Mabel. But, Theta and Memphis though. I sure didn't expect this one.
After reading the chapter about the Eleven Offerings, I had a guess that the offerings would be the characters in the book. But the offerings were the people I least expected to be. Also, I made a premonition that the last offering would be Evie, because who else loves to dress up in fancy clothes?
The thing I like about the story was that it made me 'guess' a lot. I really like thinking, and this book challenged my 'psychic' skills :)
As I've said, The Diviners has this dark, spooky, and vintage aura to it that I liked very much. I'm currently trying to recover from the emotional tension this book has brought on me.
I'm adding this to my favorites because, because...
I hope they make a movie of this book.
This is definitely one book I would never get tired of re-reading.
5/5 stars!
Song listened to while reading: (unfortunately, none)